A Word From Winny
Hi Guys,
We are on the down hill slide to Christmas but the last 6 weeks of the year is flat strap, we have just wound up the NSW Junior Titles in the Illawarra, the groms got to spend a couple of days on Sandon Point, always puts a smile on the dial, a big thanks to Jeremy Barnett for his help as well.
Last weekend the first ABB at Warriewood saw North Steyne edge out North Narra, Dimmy looked like the proverbial cat that swallowed the canary.
This weekend a Woolworths Grom Comp at Cronulla, Surfing NSW CEO, Luke Madden stoked to get his feet on home soil.
Next weekend, the ABB southern qualifier in Kiama, hoping for a southerly swell and NE wind, will bring the Bombo amphitheatre in to play, a dream location for surf commentary.
Time to get your insurance and affiliation sorted for 2022, so if you need a catalyst to pull your finger out and get this done. I am sure most of you know the drill for Insurance and Affiliation, but if you are having a drama, send an email or give us a call and we will help you sort it.
For more info please check out the links below;

Free Digital Tracks Subscription

Surfing NSW and our mates a Tracks are happy to announce that every NSW boardrider member will be provided with a 12-month digital subscription to the magazine worth $34.99.The subscription includes six digital issues of Tracks Magazine, yours to enjoy.
Being a subscriber you will also go in the draw for bi-monthly subscriber prizes. First up there are three surfboards from legendary shaper Jim Banks worth $3,850 to giveaway.
Offer is for a limited time so send this link out to your members and sign up for your free subscription.SUBSCRIBE HERE

Curl Curl Longboarders Spotlight
A big shout out to Tim Reilly and the Curly Longboard Crew, great club, runs like a swiss watch plus head honcho Tim Reilly has taken over the NSW Longboard duties from Rob Nedwich, Neddy these days with his finger firmly on the pulse of the far south coast.
Looking forward to diving in to 2022 and working with Tim and the entire Longboard fraternity.

Grassroots Sport Fund
The Grass Roots Sports Fund Grants are available through Surfing NSW – yep a cool $1,000.00 for Clubs who are insured and affiliated with Surfing NSW, all you need to do is fill in some of your clubs details once we provide link around the 13th December.
Club Name – Incorporation Number or ABN – Bank Details – best contact for your Club, email & mobile.
This is money for jam guys, don’t miss out – SUP / Longboard / Bodyboard / Shortboard it doesn’t matter what discipline you are in to, we have you covered.
Stay tuned for the Link!
Ride The Wave Program
Surfing Mental Health 360, will connect over 35 board rider clubs to a Surfing NSW surf-inspired Mental Health Organisation, the Good Human Factory.
The aim is that together, they will use surfing to help young athletes gain the skills and knowledge that underpin good mental health, resilience and well-being.
As part of the program, athletes will attend a workshop where junior influential club members will be selected to design and roll out eight practical and inspirational interactive “Ride the Wave” workshops to their communities. Each workshop is followed by a surfing experience session with 27-year-old NSW pro surfer Cooper Chapman.

So get that insurance and affiliation sorted, have a cool yule, stay safe, remember – the worst day surfing beats the best day working.