Her Wave International Women’s Day
To kickstart the Her Wave 2023 road trip, we are heading to Manly on the iconic Northern Beaches to celebrate everything that women are!
In line with International Women’s Day on Wednesday the 8th of March, The Hotel Steyne will host an epic evening of fun with a female-led event that you won’t want to miss out on!
On a warm summer’s night with the waves rolling through as our backdrop, we will have an epic panel discussion with some of the surf industry’s best – all women of course! Plus, local female led business stalls to check out, burlesque dance performance, delicious food, drinks AND a goodie bag you get to take home.
The Her Wave International Women’s Day event aims to bring together girls and women, highlight the incredible work that is being done in the surf industry and to inspire you to live your authentic life.
Tickets are selling fast, so be sure to call your bestie and grab a ticket while you still can.
Her Wave Teams Classic
The Her Wave Teams Classic is an exciting two day event just for females. Each event aims to increase participation and support females in surfing.
The events will see over 350 females from across NSW participate in a surf teams format that emphasises fun, collaborative surfing over individual competition.
The Her Wave Teams Classic would not be possible without the support of the NSW Government, Kiama Municipal Council, Camplify, FWD Form, Pukka, sisstrevoloution, AVCON, FWD Form and Surfing NSW.
The Her Wave Teams Classic will involve a fun Teams format at each event; where surfers can ride shortboard or mid length/longboard.
Events will also host a range of exciting workshops and technical skills sessions with more details coming soon.
So, we’re calling for all female surfers of all ages and abilities to join, put together a team and be part of the 2023 NSW program.
There will be two events at: Central Coast (Shelly) and South (Kiama)
Her Wave Central Coast Teams Classic | Darkinjung Country
11th – 12th March 2023 at Shelly Beach
Her Wave Kiama Teams Classic | Tharawal Country
1st – 2nd April 2023 at Kiama

How to Enter
- Entries are now open and close one week before each event
- Gather eight of your friends and local shredders. Assign a team captain and register your details
- Entry is $400 payable to Surfing NSW. We recommend that the assigned team captain should pay this and coordinate payments within the team back to your captain
- Teams do not need to nominate their surfers upon registration however, on the day of the event, all teams must have eight surfers locked into participate
- This event is open to everyone! You do not need to be a member of a boardrider club to register
How Teams Work
- Each event will have teams made up of eight female surfers.
- Within one team, four surfers will be nominated to surf on shortboards and four surfers will be nominated to surf on mid length or longboards
- Both events will host shortboard and mid/longboard divisions, each team will then compete in tag team style format
More Info
All queries are answered in the surf teams info pack here.
Contact community@surfingnsw.com.au if you need assistance or call the Surfing NSW Office on (02) 9093 6035.